What We Offer
We are dedicated to customizing services to best alight with the unique needs to help you reach your highest peak on your developmental journey. We are fully equip to offer virtual and on-site consultative services.
Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Compliance
Project evaluation
Assessment and accreditation
Research compliance involving human participants
Strategic planning
Academic Scholarship
Academic writing bootcamps (individual and group sessions)
Constructive peer-reviews (manuscripts and grant proposals)
Journal editorship and management
Dissertation coaching and editing
Data collection and analysis guidance (qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods)
Faculty Development and Career Progression
Teaching, research, and service integration and synergy
Professional growth planning
Coaching for dissertation committee members
Developing habits of accountability
Effectively Engaging Working Learners
Program planning and policy review
Oral, written and interpersonal proficiencies for teaching and engaging adults
Academic advising working adult learners
Teaching observations
Curriculum design and review
Do you seek a different solution? No need to worry!
Let’s schedule a free 30-minute consultation to explore how we can serve you.